Photo: David Manaud

Booking John for Workshops, Conferences, and 1-on-1 sessions
As a mental health advocate and speaker, John is available for booking to share insight on suicide prevention, stress regulation, breathwork, & meditation. With over 10 years of experience practicing & teaching meditation with a compassionate approach. John has become sought-after in his field, helping audiences worldwide to better understand how to navigate the complexities of our inner landscape.

*Important Disclaimer: John is not a Doctor, Therapist or Licensed Clinician and so he respectfully offers only what he is qualified to. His workshops, conferences, and 1-on-1’s are not meant to substitute professional/medical help.

John's Background
Having faced personal struggles with mental health, John has been on a path of self-exploration and healing, which led him to become a passionate advocate for mental wellness. Alongside John’s career as a professional skateboarder, he researched and studied meditation, suicide prevention, and stress regulation.  His understanding of these topics and personal experience allow him to approach teaching with empathy and clarity, ensuring that his audience can relate and gain insight into their own struggles. John’s recent “Deep Rest” European tour allowed him to connect with audiences worldwide, sharing cross-cultural techniques for reducing stress.

Talks and Presentations
Offering a wide range of mental health presentations, John’s workshops are tailored to meet the unique needs of each audience. Whether speaking in a public school system or corporate setting, he provides valuable insights and practical strategies to addressing mental health challenges for all ages. These presentations delve into a broad spectrum of mental health topics: De-stigmatizing mental illness and suicidal ideation, how to foster resilience, stress management, self-care, and building a supportive community. John's storytelling approach and real-life experience create a relatable and impactful experience for the audience. By shedding light on the complexities of mental health and encouraging open conversations, John empowers individuals and organizations to create supportive environments where mental well-being can thrive.

*To inquire about booking John for talks and conferences, please contact our team at Nothing But Today. Our dedicated staff will assist you in scheduling and arranging the logistics for an event that will leave a lasting impact on your audience's understanding of mental health.

Companies I’ve had the honor of working with