What inspired you, as a professional skateboarder, to start a mental health consulting company?

13 years ago I did a guided meditation in my college dorm after a very serious panic attack. The experienced of meditating that first time was powerful enough to bring me to over a dozen meditation retreats and endless study on the subject of the mind. Having seen many people suffer with their mental health (myself included) it made me realize how so many of us are suffering silently. Without tools, it can be hard to navigate through the hard times that will undoubtedly come. I hope to offer those tools here and hopefully help anyone I can through those hard times.

Will you help me personally?

The help I can offer only reaches as far as my qualifications as I am not a doctor or therapist. I am just like you and all I can offer are the tools of stress regulation that have helped me in hopes that they will help you. If you would like to book a guided meditation session or breathing session you can visit our contact page. Otherwise, if you are in need of medical or professional care I urge you to seek help from someone much more qualified to help you than me. See HERE for resources.

I can’t quiet my mind when I meditate, am I doing it wrong?

You are not doing it wrong. Often when we sit to meditate, many of us think we MUST clear our mind of all thoughts to be successful, but this is sometimes a bi-product of meditation, never the goal. Meditation is simply choosing one thing to focus on, gently bringing your mind back to that point of focus every time you get distracted. That’s all. Simply observe your thoughts and try not to let them take you for a ride. If they do, not to worry - just come back to the present moment. In time you will sharpen your blade of focus.

How do I schedule a session with you and what can I expect from the consultation process?

Reach out to me on the Contact page and we can schedule a 1 on 1 session where we talk briefly about how you would like to improve and I can teach you some basic breathing and stress regulation techniques that you can use. My goal is to hopefully set you up so that you wont need my help moving forward. Our time together will be confidential, but in no way will it replicate or replace professional/medical help.

Is your experience in skateboarding related to the services you offer in your consulting company?

As a skateboarder, you learn how to focus and calm the mind in high-stress situations. We all cope differently and sometimes in unhealthy way. This is not unique to skateboarding, but simply the human condition. Through skateboarding, I’ve learned radical self-reliance and this is some of what I hope to teach in my practice working with clients. When we shift perspective and add a few tools, we can all be more radically self-reliant and enjoy life more fully.

I’m having an emergency. What should I do?

Reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or a mental health professional if you have access to one. If you believe you're in immediate danger, consider contacting a crisis hotline in your country. In the USA, please dial 988 (National Suicide and Crisis Hotline). Remember, seeking help and support is a sign of strength, and there are people available who want to assist you through this difficult time. For those outside of the USA, please visit our resources page.

What’s up with the dog?

His name is Melo and he is my sister’s dog who I care for deeply. He is a constant reminder that all we have is today. If you have a dog, you will see that they are fully immersed in where they are. Animals can be some of our greatest teachers. Training the mind is similar to training a puppy to sit. You bring your mind back gently each time you get distracted. It’s the same with the mind. Bring is back gently each time and eventually we all learn how to sit.

Do you offer group sessions or workshops for skateboarders or teams?

This is a question that I’ve been asked recently and am very much open to offering this service to the community that has supported me for so many year. Reach out to me on the contact page and we can make it happen.

What role does self-care play in your consulting services?

Self-care is the root of everything in my opinion. We are at our best when we are taking good care of ourselves. When we practice self-care (in whatever form that looks like for you) then we are better able to show up for someone when they need us most. We are better able to show up for ourselves when we need us most.

Where are you getting your information?

Aside from my own personal experience teaching meditation, I try my best to pull all of my information from the scientific literature (cited always) as well as accredited doctors, scientists, and therapist. I strive to deliver accurate information in simple and digestible language. If you feel anything is inaccurate or you simple don’t understand, please feel free to reach out.

Can I order a physical copy of the “Deep Rest” zine?

At the moment, we do not have any available for sale, although we hope to have some more made in the near future. If you have any interest of having a custom version of this zine made for your business or school, please reach out in the contacts tab.

Do you offer remote/online consultations, or are your services in-person only?

Yes, I offer 1-on-1 breathing & meditation sessions as well as virtual presentations for corporate wellness through Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, & Skype.