Please read through the following important information prior to reaching out.

Important Notice

At Nothing But Today, we regret to inform you that both John and our website are unable to respond to any requests for medical or health advice. While our platform strives to offer general information, it is crucial to note that it should never be considered a substitute for the expertise of a licensed healthcare professional. Only a qualified healthcare provider can thoroughly assess and review your specific circumstances and condition.
We strongly urge you not to ignore or delay seeking medical advice, regardless of any medical or psychological condition you may be experiencing. It is imperative to promptly reach out to an appropriately licensed healthcare professional for any concerns you have in this regard.

Kindly be advised that any inquiries seeking medical or health advice, recommendations, or referrals will not receive a response. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused and genuinely appreciate your understanding in this matter.


If you are trying to hold an event and would like to have John present, please email the bookings line directly:

Frequently Asked Questions

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